Custom Mountain Home Blog

Custom Mountain Home Blog

Welcome to the Scott Homes— Custom Mountain Home Blog! We like to provide our owners and prospective owners with the resources they need to make a well informed decision.  A variety of articles are written and obtained to provide the information needed to aid in making specific decisions.  We hope these articles are helpful to you in our home building process and your home maintenance process. Please visit with us on a routine basis as we try to add current and timely articles on a regular basis.

Manifold plumbing head

Manifold Plumbing Systems

The first copper pipes were used in plumbing systems nearly 5,000 years ago. Today, a majority of homes use copper pipes for water distribution. Copper holds certain advantages over other metals like lead and iron. In comparison to these metals, copper is softer and easier to work with and is relatively non-toxic.

Roof Insulation

Green Roofing

Greening a home goes above and beyond just replacing windows and installing a programmable thermostat. Energy efficiency can be found in all facets of the home — from the foundation to the roof. Here are a few tips that builders and remodelers can implement when doing roofing work to make the home greener and the home owner happier.

Step roof flashing

Roof Step Flashing

Weather is a relentless bully. It seems to focus its stormy strength on a home's most vulnerable areas, attacking over and over again until rain and moisture infiltrates, and eventually damages, the home. Because a home's roof takes the brunt of the attack, it's critical to protect vulnerable areas of the roof against the elements, especially rainfall.

Technician installing new furnace

Right-Size HVAC

Determining the correct size of residential heating and cooling equipment is key to achieving comfortable interior conditions — temperature and humidity — and saving on initial and operating costs.


With today's energy costs, it's impossible to justify installing only basic thermostats in a new home. Modern thermostats not only decrease energy consumption, but they can also increase the comfort in the home all year long.

Under Tile Heat

There's nothing like a cold bathroom floor to wake you up first thing in the morning. Most of us simply accept cold, uncomfortable tile floors as a necessary evil, and we buy slippers and carpets to compensate. The best practice not only for warming floors but also for heating the entire room is radiant under-tile heating.

Safe Home Heating

Natural gas is commonly used in homes as an energy source. And like any energy source, it must be used correctly to be efficient and safe.

Structured Wiring

Most sportsmen (and sportswomen) will agree—a bad day fishing is STILL better than a good day at work. But fishing for cables to wire a home office can be a bad day for any homeowner.

Home Automation

For some it may be something as simple as remote or automatic control of a few lights. For others, security may be the central application. Still others may choose to install advanced controllers or use voice recognition. As a very basic definition, we tend to refer to home automation as anything that gives you remote or automatic control of things around the home.

Three Stud Corners

Decisions that are made while framing the house can affect the new homeowners in unexpected ways. For instance, how you frame an exterior corner will affect how well the house is insulated -- and that can affect moisture and mold.

Stack Framing

Builders can lose a lot of sleep worrying about gaining a competitive edge while constantly improving the quality and durability of the homes they build. But luckily, there are new techniques like OVE -- and specifically stack framing -- that can help builders get a full night's rest.

Radon Mitigation Systems

It's a problem that can find its way into any new home, and it accounts for an estimated 14,000 deaths each year. Odorless, tasteless, and radioactive, radon gas is an issue to be taken seriously by both builders and homeowners.

Open Joists

 A joist is the structural skeleton of the floor. Without joists there would be no floor. Framers commonly install solid sawn floor joists. However, new technologies have led to a new joist, one with an open metal web system.

Ladder Framing

The framing for most homes is wood. The problem is that wood is not a very good insulator. So we use what are called "ladder panels" when we attach interior walls to exterior walls. This allows us to better insulate the home and use less wood during the framing process.

Interior Draft Stopping

Showers, tubs, and fireplaces are all areas of the home especially susceptible to uncomfortable drafts. Trying to resolve a complaint after construction can be costly and difficult.

Clean and well insulated crawl space

Conditioned Crawl Spaces

The construction of crawlspaces has gone through an evolution of building science that turns the conventional practice on its head. Venting a crawlspace can actually do more harm than good. It can compromise the durability of the house and create a health hazard for the occupants.