Step Eight: Pre-Construction and Construction Meeting

We now take the information from the previous phases, we have formulated everything into a final construction contract, checked on availability of materials and timing, produced a schedule and are ready to begin construction. 

However, you’re not finished.  You are still an integral part of this process.  We typically want you to be on site at several different phases.  We want to Field Site Stake the house and review the actual on-site conditions the house creates.  Is the orientation still right?  Should we move the house a little or rotate it to maximize the actual view or save that large tree off the back corner?  Should we raise or lower the house to improve the driveway or the walk-out from the lower level?  Did we create a requirement for terracing or retaining that was unknown or not clearly shown on the plans?  This is the final opportunity to make changes of where and how the house sits on the lot.  This is important!  Remember your “Homebook”!

Framing Review is the next important stage of the process.  Here the house is framed, with the mechanical, plumbing and electrical in place.  We are able to walk the house to confirm such things as electrical outlet locations, how the lighting and switches work, how the low voltage/computer pre-wires are set, the actual cabinet layout, missed opportunities for improved views by adding a window, reviewing the fireplace finishes, flooring areas and places where the surfaces change and other details that relate to your specific needs.  It is more cost effective to modify something now than after everything is covered and the home is nearly finished.   (Photo with people looking at house under construction.)

Interior Finish,
Here we proceed with the insulation, sheetrocking and finish stage of the home.  Things seem to move a little slower, but this is where the attention to detail is important.  We begin to transform your creation from a set of plans to a house to Your Home.  This is the final leg and your home is taking the unique look that you created.  This is where all the materials and color selections you made are actually installed into the home.  Final Walk Through is where the completed home is presented and you receive a detailed orientation about the homes systems, the materials used and the workings of the house.  This is typically performed just prior to occupancy and takes a couple of hours.  Now you’re ready to move in and create a whole new set of memories.

Ready to Talk About Building a Custom Home?
We are happy to answer all your questions. To schedule a free, getting started meeting, please fill out the form and we will follow up within 1 business day.
For faster response, please call (719) 687-6083.
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