Woodland Park
Custom Home Builders
Custom Homes
Whether you come to us with a binder of ideas, a list of wants or a drawing on a napkin, we’ll pull your thoughts and desires together to design a home you’ll love.
Floor Plans
Building a custom home starts with a want, a need, an idea. Here you’ll find some of the floor plans we’ve built previously to help spark your imagination.
Every home we build is unique. These photos will give you an idea of the quality of our work. Take a peek and maybe you’ll see something that you want in your home.
A Better Built Home—A Performance Home
Enjoy the Comfort and Savings of an Energy Efficient Home
Scott Homes became the first builder in Teller County, Colorado to commit to constructing 100% of our new homes to the Build Green Colorado standard.
Today that green commitment continues by converting our Green Knowledge into building performance homes that exceed the building code and are HERS rated.
HERS (Home Energy Rating System) is an industry standard that compares code compliant housing, with a rating of 100, against the actually constructed house. Currently we are producing houses more efficient & comfortable this a typical code compliant house.
What Does It Cost to Build a Custom Home in Woodland Park, CO?
Find out in our FREE Report.
In it you'll learn: What is driving the market? Costs, fees, and things you may not have thought of. And, so much more.